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Biodiversity Net Gain Maintenance Period

Biodiversity Net Gain Maintenance Period: What to Expect Over Next 30+ Years

As mandatory biodiversity net gain (BNG) becomes more established across England, it’s crucial to understand the implications of the biodiversity net gain maintenance period. At Civity, we help provide off-site biodiversity units while ensuring sustainable ecological value through our landowner partnerships. Understanding Long-Term Requirements The biodiversity net gain regulations mandate that biodiversity gains must be maintained for at least 30 years after planning permission is granted. This applies to both small sites and major developments, covering: Post-development biodiversity value maintenance Ongoing habitat management Monitoring of biodiversity gains Compliance with biodiversity gain objectives The Planning Process Framework Local planning authorities ensure compliance through the following: Review and approval of biodiversity gain plans Planning practice guidance Planning obligations Managing Different Development Scenarios Major Developments Major developments need to be considered: Phased development approaches Redline boundary considerations Integration with existing local policies Detailed biodiversity gain plans Small Sites Smaller projects require: Proportionate monitoring requirements Practical ongoing management solutions Achievable enhancement targets Key Components of Management 1. Biodiversity Metric Assessments The statutory biodiversity metric compares: Pre-development biodiversity value Post-development biodiversity value Net gain achievement or net loss 2. Habitat Management Plans Comprehensive plans must address the following: Early Stages Initial habitat creation Habitat establishment Long-Term Management Habitat maintenance Ongoing compliance Ecological value improvements Legal Frameworks and Agreements Management is secured through either: Section 106 Agreements with Local Planning Authorities Conservation Covenant agreements with Responsible Bodies Development Proposals and Implementation For relevant planning applications, consider: Development process requirements Biodiversity gains hierarchy compliance Integration with existing habitats Off-site biodiversity gains management Financial Planning If biodiversity net gain is to be delivered on-site, long-term funding must cover: Habitat management costs Monitoring and reporting Professional ecological guidance Contingency funding for rectification requirements How Civity Supports Off-Site BNG Our role focuses on: Providing off-site biodiversity units Supporting documentation for purchased units Working with landowners who manage sites Ensuring proper long-term management agreements Conclusion The 30+ year biodiversity net gain maintenance period represents a significant commitment. Whether you need off-site biodiversity units for your development or are exploring options for meeting BNG requirements, we can help provide the units you need through our established landowner partnerships. Contact us to discuss your off-site biodiversity unit needs and how we can support your long-term biodiversity net gain requirements. 3a Orbis Wharf, Bridgers Court Road, SW11 3GW 0208 050 6076 Frequently Asked Questions How do biodiversity net gain requirements affect planning permission for development sites? When submitting planning applications, developers must demonstrate how they’ll achieve a minimum 10% biodiversity net gain through their biodiversity gain plan. Your ecological consultant will calculate pre-development biodiversity value using the statutory biodiversity metric and show how post-development biodiversity value will be enhanced and maintained throughout the 30-year maintenance period. Local planning authorities will only grant planning permission when satisfied that the development proposals meet the biodiversity gain objective and include appropriate legal agreements for long-term management. What options are available if we can’t achieve biodiversity gains within our development’s red-line boundary? If you can’t deliver sufficient biodiversity net gain on-site, you have several options following the biodiversity gain hierarchy. These include purchasing off-site biodiversity units from providers like Civity, who work with landowners to deliver long-term habitat management. As a last resort, statutory biodiversity credits may be available through Natural England when no other options are viable. How are off-site biodiversity gains maintained over the 30+ year period? For off-site biodiversity units purchased through Civity, we work with landowners who take responsibility for habitat management under formal agreements. Our sites operate through these landowner partnerships, ensuring proper maintenance throughout the 30-year period. Regular monitoring and reporting ensure compliance with requirements. What happens if habitat management requirements change during the biodiversity net gain maintenance period? The ongoing management of biodiversity gains must adapt to changing conditions while maintaining the committed biodiversity value. For off-site units purchased through us, our landowner partners work within the framework of their management agreements to maintain required biodiversity values throughout the maintenance period.

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Off-Site Biodiversity Net Gain Solutions

Off-Site Biodiversity Net Gain Solutions: Finding the Right Strategy

The Environment Act has established mandatory biodiversity net gain requirements for most developments under the Town and Country Planning Act. When on-site solutions aren’t sufficient to deliver the required 10% biodiversity net gain, developers need reliable off-site biodiversity units. At Civity, we specialise in providing these units to help meet your BNG requirements. Understanding When You Need Off-Site Solutions The journey to securing off-site biodiversity units typically begins after: Your ecological consultant has completed site assessments Initial biodiversity metric calculations show a net loss On-site enhancement opportunities have been explored The need for off-site units has been clearly established Important Exemptions Some developments have existing legal protections or exemptions from BNG requirements, including: Certain Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects Sites with specific planning obligations already in place Developments affecting sites with particular environmental designations may require a bespoke approach Our Approach to Off-Site Biodiversity Units Accessible Solutions We’ve designed our services to make off-site biodiversity net gain accessible to all developments: Minimum unit sales starting from 0.1 units Calculations precise to 4 decimal places Transparent unit pricing Clear documentation for planning submissions Sustainable Management Model To ensure long-term delivery of biodiversity net gain, we operate through: Habitat management agreements with landowners Direct landowner responsibility for management Secure legal agreements for long-term gains Regular oversight of biodiversity value maintenance Working in partnership with landowners to ensure the best outcomes for ecology The Planning Process and Our Role What We Do Provide off-site biodiversity units Supply comprehensive unit purchase documentation Review unit-related information in biodiversity gain plans Support accurate recording of off-site gains What Others Do Ecological Consultants Conduct site assessments Calculate biodiversity metric scores Prepare biodiversity gain plans Recommend appropriate solutions Local Planning Authorities Validate biodiversity gain plans Ensure compliance with objectives Monitor overall delivery (when BNG is delivered on-site and/or if the offsite land bank is registered via a SE106 agreement with the LPA) Maintain gain site records Legal Framework and Requirements Successful off-site biodiversity net gain delivery requires: Conservation covenants or Section 106 Agreements Minimum 30-year management commitments Clear documentation of gains Proper recording of obligations Making the Right Choice Key Considerations When exploring off-site biodiversity units, consider the following: Required units based on metric calculations Available off-site gains Cost-effectiveness Liability for delivery of units Supporting Your Planning Process While we don’t prepare planning applications or biodiversity gain plans, we provide: Detailed unit purchase information Documentation for planning submissions Information for biodiversity gain plan inclusion Ready to Explore Off-Site Solutions? If your ecological assessment has identified the need for off-site biodiversity units, we’re here to help. Our team can discuss current unit availability, guide you through purchase requirements, explain necessary documentation, and help you understand how our units integrate with your planning submission. Contact us: 3a Orbis Wharf, Bridgers Court Road, SW11 3GW 0208 050 6076 Through our focused approach to off-site biodiversity net gain solutions, we help developers meet their BNG requirements while ensuring long-term biodiversity value through sustainable management partnerships. Our commitment to accessibility, transparency, and proper documentation makes securing off-site biodiversity units straightforward and efficient. FAQs: When in the planning process, should I seek off-site biodiversity units? You should seek off-site biodiversity units following your ecological consultant’s completion of their assessment and identification of a net loss requiring off-site biodiversity gains. We get involved after the initial biodiversity metric calculations are complete and the need for off-site units is established. What is the minimum number of biodiversity units available for off-site biodiversity net gain? To make off-site biodiversity net gain accessible, we offer unit sales starting from as small as 0.1 units, with calculations carried to 4 decimal places. This helps minimise costs while ensuring compliance with mandatory biodiversity net gain requirements. How is long-term land management handled for off-site biodiversity gains? Our off-site biodiversity gains are delivered through habitat management agreements with landowners. These landowners take direct responsibility for land management, supported by legal agreements that secure the biodiversity gains for at least 30 years. Can you help with biodiversity gain plans for local planning authorities? While we don’t write or validate biodiversity gain plans, we can review sections specifically relating to units purchased from us to ensure accuracy. Your ecological consultant will prepare the overall biodiversity gain plan, which the local planning authority will then validate.

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Biodiversity Net Gain

Do Small Sites and Biodiversity Net Gain: Do the Same Rules Apply?

With mandatory biodiversity net gain (BNG) now extending to most development sites since April 2nd, 2024, many developers are asking whether small sites and biodiversity net gain follow the same rules as major developments. Let’s explore how the biodiversity net gain legislation affects smaller development sites and how off-site biodiversity units can help meet these requirements. Understanding Biodiversity Net Gain for Small Sites When it comes to biodiversity net gain and the planning process, small sites must meet the same fundamental 10% requirement as major developments. The biodiversity net gain legislation applies across different scales of development, with specific considerations for measuring biodiversity on smaller sites. What Defines a Small Development Site? Small sites in the context of biodiversity net gain typically include: Residential developments of 1 to 9 dwellings on less than 1 hectare of land or sites with less than 0.5 hectares and an unknown number of dwellings Commercial development with less than 1,000 square metres of floor space or sites with areas less than 1 hectare Important Considerations for Meeting BNG Requirements Understanding Pre-Development Biodiversity Value Before seeking off-site biodiversity units, your ecological consultant will need to: Assess your pre-development biodiversity value Calculate the biodiversity units needed Determine whether priority habitat is present on site The Statutory Biodiversity Metric While the small sites metric can simplify the process of measuring biodiversity, it’s crucial to note that it cannot be used if a priority habitat is present on your development site. In such cases, the statutory biodiversity metric must be used to calculate biodiversity value. How Off-Site Biodiversity Units Work When your ecological assessment identifies a net loss and the need for off-site biodiversity gains, we can help. Our services include: Providing off-site biodiversity units starting from 0.1 units (calculated to 4 decimal places) Supporting proper documentation of purchased units Reviewing information about purchased units in your biodiversity gain plan Understanding the Planning Process While we focus on providing off-site biodiversity units, it’s important to understand that your development will need: A biodiversity gain plan (prepared by your ecological consultant) Validation from your local planning authority Legal agreements to secure long term management if net gains are achieved on-site Alternative Options If off-site biodiversity units aren’t available through providers, statutory biodiversity credits from Natural England serve as a last resort option. Need Off-Site Biodiversity Units? If your ecological assessment has identified the need for off-site biodiversity gains, contact us to discuss how we can help meet your BNG requirements: 3a Orbis Wharf, Bridgers Court Road, SW11 3GW 0208 050 6076 FAQ’S At what point in my development process should I contact Civity? You should seek off-site biodiversity units following your ecological consultant’s completion of their assessment and identification of a net loss requiring off-site biodiversity gains. We get involved after the initial biodiversity metric calculations are complete and the need for off-site units is established. What is the minimum number of biodiversity units I can purchase from Civity? We offer unit sales starting from as small as 0.1 units, with calculations carried to 4 decimal places. This approach helps make BNG more accessible and cost-effective for small sites. Who manages the land where my off-site BNG units are delivered? In over 95% of cases, we work through habitat management agreements with landowners who undertake the actual management of the land. Our ecologists at Civity work with the landowner to devise a habitat management plan that works best for both ecology and the landowner. Can I use the small sites metric for my development? While the small sites metric is available, it cannot be used if there is a priority habitat on your site or if your site doesn’t fall within the small sites definition. In such cases, you must use the statutory biodiversity metric instead. Your ecological consultant can advise which metric is appropriate for your site.

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Understanding Your BNG Assessment

Understanding Your BNG Assessment: No Hidden Catches, No Surprises

Initial Assessment: Understanding Your Land’s True Value at This Moment At this point in time, landowners may wonder about their land’s true value for biodiversity. While some might hope their site can benefit from BNG, others seek to understand how species diversity plays into the bigger picture. Our purpose is to talk through this process, address challenges and take responsibility for getting land registered as a habitat bank while focusing on practical benefits that literally shape your land’s contribution to the natural world. Beyond Surface Features: From Ground Level to Full Scope We will first, for free, have a desk-based look at what habitats appear to be currently present on the land and gauge a preliminary idea about what biodiversity uplift may be possible.  During the initial scoping assessment, we will visit your land, assess every existing habitat in your site and record what possible scenarios there are available for improving their biodiversity value. Based on our ecological expertise, we will also create and present a site-wide plan for the optimal BNG scheme at the site based on the context of the site, demand in the area and financial viability. This won’t be a fixed plan, it will function as a start point to create an optimal layout plan which works for the landowner and works best functionally for ecology. Documentation and Value: A Focus on Real Benefits Our team has listened to countless landowners’ concerns and queries and brought together practical solutions. We act with purpose, understanding that proper habitat assessment, creation and enhancement means more than just ticking boxes – it’s about producing thorough ground surveys and management plans that benefit both landowners and biodiversity targets. England-wide, we help can integrate your site’s features into broader ecological goals. Making Progress: Clear Guidance, Real Understanding The scope of BNG assessment can seem overwhelming at first thought. That’s why we’ve created a process that means you’ll never feel left in the dark. Whether you’re seeking advice about basic habitat features or complex habitat baselines, our team provides the support needed to understand every step. Looking Forward: A Decade of Experience As requirements evolve and new challenges emerge, we maintain our focus on understanding what’s happening in the world of biodiversity. Your site’s potential goes beyond just meeting planning targets – it’s about creating lasting benefits for future generations. Take the Next Step Today Contact us to discuss your land’s potential. With years of experience guiding landowners through the BNG assessment process, we ensure you have access to clear, practical guidance without hidden catches. Ready to transform your understanding of BNG? Get in touch to start your journey with confidence.

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Agriclutural Income

Why BNG Units Are a Game-Changer for Agricultural Income

As an increasing number of farmers and landowners discover new income streams, biodiversity net gain (BNG) is emerging as a vital opportunity in land management. Since becoming a legal requirement in February 2024, we’ve been working closely with landowners to transform their land use through biodiversity units, creating valuable partnerships that benefit both nature and agricultural businesses. The Evolution of Farm Income While traditional farming remains subject to market fluctuations, biodiversity units represent a game-changer for agricultural income. Unlike carbon credits or other environmental schemes, BNG offers farmers and landowners guaranteed returns through habitat creation and restoration. Our experience in developing these opportunities shows how off-site biodiversity units can provide stable income while supporting natural habitats. Understanding BNG Units When developers need planning permission but can’t achieve biodiversity benefits on their development sites, they have several options: Developers can organise the delivery of biodiversity units themselves on land outside of their development site (e.g blue line land) Purchase biodiversity units from habitat creation are funded offsite e.g. on farmland Purchase statutory biodiversity credits for the government This creates opportunities for landowners to access new income streams while supporting vital environmental goals. The Growing Market for Natural Habitats We’re seeing an increasing number of developments requiring biodiversity net gain (BNG) units. Working closely with local authorities and developers, we help assess and create valuable habitats that: Enhance existing natural habitats Provide sustainable income for farmers Contribute to climate change mitigation Maximising Your Land’s Income Potential When considering BNG, farmers often ask us about comparing traditional agricultural yields with biodiversity unit income. While yields vary significantly based on land type, crop selection, and market conditions, BNG offers guaranteed income that’s protected from weather risks and market fluctuations. For example, marginal agricultural land that might generate unpredictable returns can provide stable, 30+ year income through BNG agreements. Additionally, we’re seeing increasing opportunities for ‘stacking’ different environmental benefits. While biodiversity units are our primary focus, your land might also qualify for other environmental schemes depending on your specific situation. However, it’s important to note that not all environmental payments can be combined, and we always recommend seeking professional advice about your specific circumstances. Our role is to help you understand the BNG opportunity clearly while working with your other advisors to optimise your overall land management strategy. However, if you can stack on top of BNG, we are very open to this and will take no cut from the funds you can earn from stacking. Transform Your Land’s Future Your site could be generating secure, long-term income through biodiversity units while supporting vital environmental goals. Our professional approach ensures: Expert ecological advice Access to established markets Partnership opportunities Ongoing support Contact us today to assess your land’s potential for creating biodiversity units. Our team is experienced in working closely with farmers and landowners to develop successful schemes that achieve both environmental and financial objectives. Ready to explore how biodiversity net gain could transform your agricultural business? Contact us to discuss developing your opportunity.

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