Do Small Sites and Biodiversity Net Gain: Do the Same Rules Apply?
With mandatory biodiversity net gain (BNG) now extending to most development sites since April 2nd, 2024, many developers are asking whether small sites and biodiversity net gain follow the same rules as major developments. Let’s explore how the biodiversity net gain legislation affects smaller development sites and how off-site biodiversity units can help meet these requirements. Understanding Biodiversity Net Gain for Small Sites When it comes to biodiversity net gain and the planning process, small sites must meet the same fundamental 10% requirement as major developments. The biodiversity net gain legislation applies across different scales of development, with specific considerations for measuring biodiversity on smaller sites. What Defines a Small Development Site? Small sites in the context of biodiversity net gain typically include: Residential developments of 1 to 9 dwellings on less than 1 hectare of land or sites with less than 0.5 hectares and an unknown number of dwellings Commercial development with less than 1,000 square metres of floor space or sites with areas less than 1 hectare Important Considerations for Meeting BNG Requirements Understanding Pre-Development Biodiversity Value Before seeking off-site biodiversity units, your ecological consultant will need to: Assess your pre-development biodiversity value Calculate the biodiversity units needed Determine whether priority habitat is present on site The Statutory Biodiversity Metric While the small sites metric can simplify the process of measuring biodiversity, it’s crucial to note that it cannot be used if a priority habitat is present on your development site. In such cases, the statutory biodiversity metric must be used to calculate biodiversity value. How Off-Site Biodiversity Units Work When your ecological assessment identifies a net loss and the need for off-site biodiversity gains, we can help. Our services include: Providing off-site biodiversity units starting from 0.1 units (calculated to 4 decimal places) Supporting proper documentation of purchased units Reviewing information about purchased units in your biodiversity gain plan Understanding the Planning Process While we focus on providing off-site biodiversity units, it’s important to understand that your development will need: A biodiversity gain plan (prepared by your ecological consultant) Validation from your local planning authority Legal agreements to secure long term management if net gains are achieved on-site Alternative Options If off-site biodiversity units aren’t available through providers, statutory biodiversity credits from Natural England serve as a last resort option. Need Off-Site Biodiversity Units? If your ecological assessment has identified the need for off-site biodiversity gains, contact us to discuss how we can help meet your BNG requirements: 3a Orbis Wharf, Bridgers Court Road, SW11 3GW 0208 050 6076 FAQ’S At what point in my development process should I contact Civity? You should seek off-site biodiversity units following your ecological consultant’s completion of their assessment and identification of a net loss requiring off-site biodiversity gains. We get involved after the initial biodiversity metric calculations are complete and the need for off-site units is established. What is the minimum number of biodiversity units I can purchase from Civity? We offer unit sales starting from as small as 0.1 units, with calculations carried to 4 decimal places. This approach helps make BNG more accessible and cost-effective for small sites. Who manages the land where my off-site BNG units are delivered? In over 95% of cases, we work through habitat management agreements with landowners who undertake the actual management of the land. Our ecologists at Civity work with the landowner to devise a habitat management plan that works best for both ecology and the landowner. Can I use the small sites metric for my development? While the small sites metric is available, it cannot be used if there is a priority habitat on your site or if your site doesn’t fall within the small sites definition. In such cases, you must use the statutory biodiversity metric instead. Your ecological consultant can advise which metric is appropriate for your site.